Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Changes Are Coming

Have you ever noticed that as soon as you start getting too comfortable, life has a way of throwing lots of changes your way. Now that I am in the middle part of life (I hope it's the middle anyway), I seem to expect this turn of events. It's as though God is saying " I have work for you to do, don't get too complacent!". The most difficult change right now is the moving our our little preschool from the church parish that has been housing us for the past three years. I have been attending this parish for almost ten years and truly felt that the preschool was a benefit to both the parish and the families there. Sadly, the parish has informed us that they can no longer house us due to space issues. As a result, we are having to move the program to another location. It has been a lot of hard work for the past few weeks but I must say that my co-workers are some of the most hard working and devoted women I know! I am so lucky to have such a wonderful "family" of women to work with to serve the needs of preschool aged children in our area! We are also contemplating selling our home next year and moving to a new neighborhood. Whether this happens or not, only time will tell. I have mixed emotions about both events. Moving is a lot of hard work and there is always sadness in losing that which you have known for a while. However, there is also the hope of new beginnings, new friendships and new possibilities for the future! I think my focus word for next year is going to be "hope"!